and welcome to the Experimental Knitbook.
Here you will find pictures and details about the sewing and craft
projects that I work on; I knit, crochet, sew, and occasionally dabble in
things like counted-cross stitch, embroidery, and patchwork. I am mostly self-taught and have learned a
lot from the blogs of others, and hope to record pictures and information here
that will help others learning the same things.
few comments about the name of this blog:
‘experimental’ part references the fact that my day job is a scientific
researcher, and I perform experiments. It
is also a pretty good description of how I normally work—I regularly adapt
patterns and techniques, which can have unpredictable results. While keeping a lab notebook isn’t necessary
in my field to log results, they are useful to record details of what methods
worked and what didn’t, and I hope this blog serves a similar purpose.
are singled out because I spend most of my time working with knit fabric; I
knit a lot of accessories, and most of my sewing is with stretch fabrics. Whatever your interest is, I hope you find
something worthwhile during your stay.
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